Border/Line Sex (2)

pointing up
Photographer: Darwin Bell
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Arondekar, 'Boder/Line Sex: Queer Postcolonialities, or How Race Matters Outside the United States'


1. 合衆国ベースのムスリム系LGBTQ団体Al-Fatiha(1997)について。

Al-Fatiha Foundation is dedicated to Muslims who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, those exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity, and their allies, families and friends. Al-Fatiha promotes the progressive Islamic notions of peace, equality and justice. We envision a world that is free from prejudice, injustice and discrimination, where all people are fully embraced and accepted into their faith, their families and their communities. Founded in 1998, Al-Fatiha Foundation is a registered US-based non-profit, non-governmental organization.(現在のサイトから。論文で引用されているのは30/10/2001のもので、多少違いがある。)


A dangerous effect of such elisions of differences within and between what is articulated as 'Muslim', 'gay', 'queer', 'Arab', 'South Asian' can be most markedly seen in the responses of public cultures after the events of 9/11. (242)



Here the nexus of race and sex had reappeared in a more vicious version of racialized homophobia where American reprisals render homosexuality into the ultimate form of punishment. Fags not flags were to be the answer to the attacks against the United States. Clearly, such representations of the enemy as the demonized faggot figure are not unusual. (243)

そのような状況下でAl-Fatihaが、あたかもイスラムの bigotryに対する近代的な革命児であるかのような位置づけをされ/位置づけを引き受けていくことになり、そのような近代的な改革が可能になる場として、合衆国とその象徴する「自由」があらためて称揚されることになる。

And of course, it is no small coincidence that such reform can only take place in countries such as the United States where Muslims are wildly free from the suffocating totalitarianism of the Islamic world (Manji 2003: 2-24). Under Manji's 'Western Eyes', to slightly misquote Chander Talpade-Mohanty here, globalization is the new freedom. (244)
[irshad Manji, _The Trouble with Islam: A Muslim's Cll for Reform in her Faith_, New York: St Martin's Press, 2003.]

2. 一方でこのような「西洋化」称揚と手を携えた人権言説が存在する反面で、他方ではthe West/the Localの対立に基づいて後者を称揚する言説も(例としてD.Altman)。
しかしこれは結局のところAmerican impact model のヘゲモニーを維持するものであって、複数のlocal/globalな空間性(spatialities)の同時性(simultaneity)を分節化しきれていない。さらにいえば、ここではバーバ流のcolonial mimicryのあり方も、検討されずに終わっている、と。
ここ、アルトマン批判はまあ予想通りというか、一応定石で特に面白いわけではないのだが、ここでsimultaneityが出てくるのは興味深い。mimicryとの関連はどうなるのか?それらの全体を視野にいれつつ、queer spatialityの議論を参照してみる価値があるかもしれない。

3. さらにそれとは異なる文脈で、rights discourseおよびその時にしばしば援用されるrace/sexualityのアナロジーの問題。integrationalist model' vs. 'queer'で、そのようなモデルでクィアなものを語ることはできるのか?という。




Hall, Stuart, 'When was the "post-colonial"? Thinking at the limit', in Iain Chambers and lidia Curti, eds. _The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons_, London and New York: Routledge, 1996, 242-60.

Halley, Janet E. '"Like race" arguments', in Judith Butler, John Guillory and Kendall Thomas eds., _What's Left of Theory? New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory_, New York: Routledge, 2000, 40-74.

Ong, Aihwa, _Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logic of Transnationality_, Durham, NC: Duke U.P., 1999.

Povinelli, Elizabeth and George, Chauncey, 'Thinking Sexuality Transnationally', _GLQ_ 5(4), 1999, 439-50.